
Develop tasks and activities 
to help your learners 
with their pronunciation 
in your classroom, 
through this series of 
four Masterclasses

Like you, I never included pronunciation in my lessons...

I've been an English teacher since 2010, but for the first 8 years of teaching I never actively put pronunciation into my lessons!

In fact, I actively avoided it, because I didn't understand it, or how to teach it...

Now, being a pronunciation coach, that feels incredibly embarrassing.


However, it simply means, I understand your current situation:

You correct learners when they mispronounce something.

You drill new vocabulary that's a bit more tricky.

You probably don't think about pronunciation.

You may assume, that simply talking with your learners and doing listening exercises, they'll pick up the correct pronunciation.

And some of your students will.

But many of your learners will feel self-conscious about their accent, worry about communicating with native speakers and feel inadequate despite having studied English from a very young age.

I'm offering a series of 4 Masterclasses, 1 a month, through which, we'll work together to design simple activities and tasks, which you can easily incorporate into your lessons.

Although I've mainly been working with teachers working in English as a second language, these masterclasses will be open to everyone, whether English is your first, second, third or fourth language, because I know this is something I would have benefited from, not that long ago.

Each Masterclass will focus on a specific topic:

  • 3 simple ways to Overcome Tricky English Sounds, to encourage clear communication
  • 3 steps to Discover the Secrets of Stress, to improve your learners' comprehension
  • 3 Essential Aspects of Connected Speech, to build your learners' confidence to communicate
  • 3 methods to include Intonation, to allow your learners to connect more authentically

These Masterclasses are held on the penultimate Wednesday of each month between 17:00-18:30 BST (18:00-19:30 CEST).


You might be wondering why I've chosen to offer these sessions as masterclasses, rather than webinars.

From my experience, most webinars involve

- listening to someone speak for 60-90 minutes on their area of expertise

- making lots of notes which I never read again

- getting distracted by a link they share

Don't get me wrong, webinars can be great! I often attend webinars and make lots of notes, however, I often fail to read my notes later, or don't remember the advice they gave.

When I attend masterclasses or workshops, which are more interactive, giving me time to speak with other participants, I have had the opportunity to test out some ideas and get feedback, as well as make new connections with like-minded colleagues.

I've found them much more valuable, as I remember the feedback and am able to put my ideas into practice almost immediately.


You might also be asking yourself, why can't Jennie just give us the tasks and activities?

In truth, I could give you some activities.

But how many times have you picked up someone else's lesson plan, looked at an activity and not understood the instructions, or not felt confident about including it in your lesson?

During these masterclasses, you'll:

- be discussing how to include a few different tasks and activities into your lesson plans

- have the opportunity to try out your own ideas, adapt the materials

- hopefully even create your own materials!


Why am I offering these Masterclasses?

Hey - I'm Jennie!

Since 2020 I've been working as a self-employed coach with teachers and professionals, helping them build up their confidence in their pronunciation so they can reach their goals to be confident communicators.

Before that I was working in language schools in Italy, Germany and the UK for over a decade.

Honestly, it wasn't until 2018 when I started my Diploma in TESOL that I started actively incorporating pronunciation into my lessons.

But as soon as I did, I saw the difference it made to my learners - this was the catalyst for me. Seeing how much their confidence grew from understanding more about English pronunciation.

Now I want to help you feel confident teaching pronunciation in your own classroom too, with a comprehensive understanding of how to include English pronunciation in your own lesson plans, through simple tasks and activities for your learners.

This year I've also been certified as a Neurolanguage® Coach, having completed a course with ELC.

It was a fascinating course and has given me lots of insights into how I can best help you get the results you need, to reach your goals.




When you sign up for all four masterclasses, you'll have access to Conversation Club for the four months too!

Sign up Now

Join me for a series of four monthly masterclasses to give you an insight on how you can incorporate pronunciation into your own lessons.

Each masterclass will give you a chance to discuss and develop your ideas, so that you'll come away with at least 3 activities to use in your own classroom.

This masterclass series will be run throughout the year, so if there's one date you can't make, you can attend another, within 12 months.

Click here to make a one-off investment of 300:


If you're interested in one particular topic, please email me at to discuss your options.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is included in the course?
This programme includes monthly live sessions with me, Jennie, and a small group of like-minded individuals through Zoom. Each session we'll have a different topic of discussion and we'll work together to create activities and tasks to slip into your lesson plans.

What level of English do I need to attend this course?
You don't need a certificate, however, I'd recommend a B2 level or above would be a minimum to get the most out of this programme.

Can I work with you on my own pronunciation?
Of course, please email me to ask about my group programme:

How do I schedule my appointment?
The Masterclasses are at set times and on set days. You will receive an email prior to each session confirming the Zoom link.

Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
We're confident you'll be delighted with our Pronunciation Masterclasses for Teachers, but we do offer you a 14 day money back guarantee.

Can I get a refund if I can't attend the appointments?
No refunds will be given for missed sessions.

However, if you are unable to make a session, these masterclasses will run again and you'll be invited to the next session on the same topic within the year.

I would love to welcome you to these Masterclasses, to make this is the year 
you feel totally confident teaching Pronunciation